Pre-engineered fire protection systems

Pre-engineered fire protection systems

Pre-engineered fire protection systems
AS 3772
-2020 pdf download.Pre-engineered fire protection systems for cooking equipment.
Detectors shall be installed as follows:
(a) A detector shall be provided above each protected cooking appliance or in accordance with the extinguishing system manufacturer’s listed manual.
(b) At least one detector shall be installed within each exhaust duct opening, in accordance with the manufacturer’s listed manual.
NOTE Detectors located at, or within 300 mm into, the exhaust duct opening and above the protected appliance may cover cooking appliances located immediately below the duct opening.
(c) Detectors may be installed either above or below filter banks. Where detectors are concealed, they shall be accessible to permit their identification and maintenance.
(d) In accordance with the detector manufacturer’s listed design and installation manual.
7.4 System actuation
7.4.1 General
Means of manual actuation of the fire protection system shall be provided in accordance with Clause 7.4.2. Operation of any manual actuator shall be the only means to bring about the full operation of the system.
Systems shall be capable of both automatic and manual operation.
The automatic and manual means of system actuation, external to the control head or releasing device, shall he separate and independent of each other so that a failure of one will not impair the operation of the other.
The manual means of system activation may be part of the same arrangement or sub-system of the automatic means if the manual activation device is located between the control head or releasing device and the first detector.
7.4.2 Manual actuation
Manual actuation of the fire protection systems shall be in accordance with the following:
(a) At least one manual actuator shall be provided for each system.
(b) A readily accessible means for manual activation shall be located in a path of egress.
(c) At least one manual control shall be located not more than 1500 mm above the floor, and be conveniently and easily accessible at all times. Such controls shall be situated outside the boundary of the exhaust hood and on an exit path from the cooking area.
(d) A control and detection system that forms parts of a listed pre-engineered kitchen suppression systems shall be installed and maintained as per the manufacturer’s listed design and installation manual.
7.5.2 System monitoring
Where electrical power is required to operate the automatic fire-extinguishing system —
(a) it shall be monitored;
(b) a fault indication shall indicate if electrical power fails; and
(c) it shall be provided with a stand-by power supply.
A standby power supply should be provided, see Clause 7.5.3.
System monitoring shall give distinctive audible and visual indication when laults occur in any ot the following:
(i) Automatic detection system.
(ii) Electrical actuation circuit.
(Iii) Electrical power supply.
7.5.3 Standby power source capacity
The capacity of the standby power source shall be such that, in the event of failure of the primary power source, the standby power source is capable of maintaining the system in normal working (quiescent) condition for at least 72 h. after which sufficient capacity remains to operate the load determined in AS 1670.1 for 30 mm.
Where the power supply failure signal is externally monitored the minimum requirement is reduced to 24 h.
Where the standby power source is a battery it shall consist of rechargeable stationary batteries, in accordance with the relevant part of AS/NZS 4029 or listed In the Control and Indicating Equipment (CIE) certification documentation referred to In AS 1670.1. The battery capacity shall be calculated in accordance with AS 1670.1.
Pre-engineered kitchen suppression systems that utilize an integrated control and detection system shall be supplied with back-up power or batteries provided as per the manufacturer’s listed design and installation manual. Battery replacement shall be in accordance with the listed manual.AS 3772-2020 pdf download.

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