ASME A13.1:2020 pdf free download

ASME A13.1:2020 pdf free download

ASME A13.1:2020 pdf free download
4.2 Color
Color should be used to identify the characteristic hazards of the contents. Color should be displayed on, or contiguous to, the piping by any physical means, but its use shall be in combination with a legend. Color may be used in continuous, total-length coverage or in intermittent displays. Colors preceded by the word “Safety” shall meet the requirements of ANSI/NEMA Z535.1 (see Table 4.2-1).
4.3 Placement
Attention shall be given to the visibility of the pipe markings. Where pipelines are located above or below the normal line of vision, the lettering shall be placed below or above the horizontal centerline of the pipe (see Figure 4.3-1).
Legends shall be appliedclose to valves orflanges; adja- cent to changes in direction, branches, and where pipes pass through walls or floors; and at intervals on straight pipe runs sufficient for identification. For piping layouts where applying legends in this way is impractical, substi- tute techniques to achieve positive identification are ac- ceptable. One such technique is placing the legends on plates that are attached to the piping.
4.4 Type and Size of Letters ”
Contrast shall be provided between the color field and legend for readability. Use ofletters ofstandard style, 2 in sizes 0.5 in. (13 mm) and larger, is recommended. See Table 4.4-1 for specific size recommendations. For iden- tification of materials in piping with an outside cover diameter less than 0.75 in. (19 mm), and for valve and fitting identification, the use of a permanently legible tag is recommended.
4.5 Abandoned Piping
Piping that has been abandoned in place should be iden- tified. The recommended color scheme is safety white background with black letters. A black border should be added to the identification. When the abandoned piping is protected from corrosion by the addition of a pressurized fluid orcontains residual hazardous material, the legend should indicate that.

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