ASME A112.19.14:2001 pdf free download

ASME A112.19.14:2001 pdf free download

ASME A112.19.14:2001 pdf free download
(a) Test Method. A six-sheet strip of the proposed toilet paper shall be obtained. The paper shall be wrapped snugly around a piece of 2 in. Scheduie 40 PVC pipe. The paper shall be slid off the pipe. The tuhe of paper shall be grasped approximately halfway down its length and shall be turned inside out and down over itself. This shall result in a ball approximately 2 in. (51 mm) in diameter. The ball (straight edges down) shall be dropped into a pan of water. The time it takes for the ball to become fully :saturated and sink below the water surface shall be recorded.
(b) Performance Requirement. The paper ball shall sink bclow the surfacc in less than 3 sec. Wet Tensile Strength
(a) Test Method. A 2 in. Schedule 40 PVC coupling and union nut shall be used as a frame to hold the toilet paper for the wet tensile strength test. One sheet of the toilet paper on the coupling and the union nut shall be slid over the coupling. The frame shall be inverted and the paper shall be submerged in water for 5 sec. The frame shall then be removed from the water and shall be returned to an upright position. A 0.312 in(8 mm) diameter stcl ball weighing 6.3 ± 0.1 g shall be placed in the center of the wet sheet.
(b) Performance Requirement. The sheei shaii sup- port the steel ball without any evidence of tearing. Test Method. The four 2 in to 3 in. (51 mm to 76 mm) balls of paper that comply with paras. and shall be dropped into the waier directiy above the well and shall be allowed to wet out complelely. Wihin 5 sec. after wetting occurs, the bowl shall be flushed. This procedure shall be repeated until three sets of data are obtained. Note whether any paper is left in the bowl. Flush again and coilect any paper that discharges from the outiet.

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