AS NZS 4755.3.5:2016 pdf free download

AS NZS 4755.3.5:2016 pdf free download

AS NZS 4755.3.5:2016 pdf free download
AS NZS 4755.3.5:2016 pdf free download.Demand response capabilities and supporting technologies for electrical products
Where verifying compliance with a DRM requires the monitoring of energy transferred through the grid interactive port over a time period (e.g. DRM 2, DRM 3) the period of monitoring shall be one or more complete 5 min periods.
Allow at least 10 min between completion of a load monitoring period and testing of the next OI. If the EES system or equivalent load is fully charged or otherwise ceases charging before all OI responses can be tested, recommence the tests with a fully discharged EES system or load and complete the remainder of the tests.
The ability of the EES system to respond when OIs are asserted prior to the start of import of energy through the grid interactive port shall be tested as follows:
(A) Commence tests with fully discharged EES system or load.
(B) Close DRED switches corresponding to the OIs that control import of energy through the grid interactive port (0, 1, 2, 3) one at a time, in any non-sequential order.
(C) Set user settings (or timers) to commence importing energy through the grid interactive port while that OI is asserted.
(D) Monitor the responses, to verify that the EES system—
(i) enters the correct DRM corresponding to that OI (if claimed to have that capability);
(ii) complies with the requirements of each DRM it enters, including response time; and
(iii) does not change its mode of operation in response to an OI, unless the OI corresponds to a DRM of which the DRC is claimed to be capable.
While exporting energy through the grid interactive port is in progress the following switches shall be closed:
(a) The DRED switches corresponding to all 9 OIs (0 to 8), which shall be closed one at a time, in any non-sequential order.
NOTE: For example, OI 8 should not follow OI 7, OI 3 should not follow OI 4, etc.
(b) The DRED switches corresponding, in turn, to all combinations in Appendix A that the resultant action is disconnect.
(c) The DRED switches corresponding, in turn, to at least 10 other combinations that include at least one DRM of which the DRC is claimed to be capable, but which do not have a resultant action of disconnect.

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