AS NZS 3014:2003 pdf free download

AS NZS 3014:2003 pdf free download

AS NZS 3014:2003 pdf free download
AS NZS 3014:2003 pdf free download.Electrical installations – Electric fences
5.2 This clause prohibits the connection of more than one energizer to an electric fence. This restriction is considered necessary because the pulses from two different energizers may occur at different times, so pulses from one energizer may occur in the gaps between pulses from the other energizer. An essential safety feature of an electric fence energizer complying with AS/NZS 3350.2.76 is that there must be an interval of at least one second between successive pulses, to permit any person or animal touching the fence to recover from the shock of one pulse and move away before the next pulse occurs. If contact was made simultaneously with two pulsed wires fed from different energizers, each delivering one pulse per second, the maximum interval between shocks could be reduced to 0.5 seconds or less, well below the specified safety interval.
Particular attention is drawn to this aspect because of the situation that arises along a shared boundary fence if both property owners wish to run their own pulsed wires along the fence. Whether the pulsed wires are included in the main fence or attached as offset wires on opposite sides, safety considerations show that all the pulsed wires should be fed from a single energizer, either from the same terminal or from alternative output terminals (since the pulses from all output terminals on a single energizer occur simultaneously).
It is important to NOTE that the power consumption of a mains-powered energizer generally does not vary with the length of fence supplied. Hence it does not matter, in terms of cost of supply, which neighbour supplies power to all the pulsed wires on a boundary fence. Those mains-powered energizers that do vary power consumption with perceived load generally only vary it less than 30 W. Length of fence supplied is only one of the factors that determines perceived load, so the actual difference in power consumption when the neighbour’s side of a boundary fence is also supplied is likely to be somewhat less than this.

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