AS NZS 4268:2017 pdf free download

AS NZS 4268:2017 pdf free download

AS NZS 4268:2017 pdf free download
AS NZS 4268:2017 pdf free download.Radio equipment and systems—Short range devices—Limits and methods of measurement
Where a referenced method of measurement produces a value of Effective Radiated Power (ERP) in dBm, and the limit is provided as Equivalent Isotropically Radiated Power (EIRP) in watts, then the value in ERP should be converted to a value of EIRP in dBm by the addition of 2.15 dB, then the result should be converted to, and reported in, watts.
An alternative method is to convert the value of ERP in dBm to a value of ERP in watts and then multiply that figure by 1.64 to give the EIRP in watts.
The ERP method of measurement for equipment with integral or dedicated antennas in the 25 MHz to 1 000 MHz frequency range (refer to the methods as set out in ETSI EN 300 220-1) is specified for power levels ranging up to 500 mW. Also, the EIRP substitution method of measurement in the frequency range 1 GHz to 40 GHz (refer to the methods set out in ETSI EN 300 440-1) is intended to measure power levels up to 4 W. However, the Class Licence and the General User Radio Licence have some applications above these power levels. The power levels of these measurement methods may be extended through the use of a calibrated attenuator fitted between the test antenna and receiver. The value of the attenuation used should be added when correcting for the gain of the substitution antenna. All values generated by this process should be reported with the result.
NOTES: 1 Care is needed to ensure that the measurement system is capable of accepting the magnitude of the signal under test, i.e. the measurement system should be analysed to ensure adequate minimum discernible signal, third order intercept, dynamic range and noise figure.
2 Measurement uncertainty will need to be expanded to include the calibrated attenuator calibration data (refer to attenuators in ETSI ETR 273-1-1).

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