IEC 62196-1:2003 pdf free download

IEC 62196-1:2003 pdf free download

IEC 62196-1:2003 pdf free download
IEC 62196-1:2003 pdf free download.Plugs, socket-outlets, vehicle couplers and vehicle inlets – Conductive charging of electric vehicles
8.3 For all accessories, the marking for the intermateability symbol shall be on the outside of main part, visible to the user during use. For plugs and vehicle connectors, the marking for either the name or trade mark of the manufacturer or the responsible vendor and the type reference, catalogue number or designation shall also be on the outside of the accessory, visible to the user.
8.4 The intermateability symbol shall be at least 1 0 mm in height and prominent, may be in contrasting colour, and may be provided on a pressure sensitive label or similar means which can be attached to the vehicle inlet cover and connector.
Compliance is checked by inspection.
8.5 For all accessories, the marking for the maximum rated operating voltage and rated current shall be on a place which is visible before installation of the accessory. For socket- outlets and vehicle inlets, the marking for either the name or trademark of the manufacturer or the responsible vendor and the type reference, catalogue number or designation shall be on a place which is visible before installation of the accessory. It need not be visible after installation.
Compliance is checked by inspection.
9.1 EV accessories shall comply with the appropriate standard sheets, if any. If no standard sheet is available, the accessories shall comply with the specifications provided by the manufacturer.
9.2 EV accessories may be compatible only with other standardised EV accessories. It shall not be possible to engage plugs or vehicle connectors with socket-outlets or vehicle inlets having different ratings, or having different contact combinations unless safe operation is ensured or other means are provided to ensure safe operation.
In addition, the design shall be such that improper connections shall not be possible between:
– signal and control contacts and a live (power) contact;
– the earth and/or pilot plug-contact and a live socket-contact, or a live plug-contact and the earth and/or pilot socket-contact;
– the phase plug-contacts and the neutral socket-contact, if any;
– a neutral plug-contact and a phase socket-contact.
Compliance is checked by inspection and manual test.

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