ASME ASP:2010 pdf free download

ASME ASP:2010 pdf free download

ASME ASP:2010 pdf free download
ASME ASP:2010 pdf free download.Safety Standard for Automotive Service and Maintenance Products
3-4.1.1 Off-Center Load Test. A compressive load equal to the rated capacity of the press shall be applied to the press between the upper and lower bolsters with the cylinder set at maximum left and right offset from the center of the press. The load shall be held for 1 min and then released. The press’s ability to retain the load shall not be adversely affected. Permanent increase in the dimension between the bottom of the upper bolster and the top of the lower bolster shall not exceed 0.125 in. (3.18 mm). This test shall be repeated with the movable bolster in its minimum and maximum positions. A cen- tered preload of no more than 100% of rated capacity should be applied to establish overall dimensional data points. The preload should be applied in both the mini- mum and the maximum positions. If the dimension increases more than 0.125 in. (3.18 mm), it constitutes failure of this test.
3-4.1.2 Load-LimitingTest. Shop presses employing a hydraulic power source shall be pumped against a measured load until the load-limiting device is acti- vated, at which time the force applied to the upper and lower bolsters shall be no less than 100% of the press’s rated capacity and no more than 125% of its rated capacity.
3-4.1.3 Proof Load Test. A proof load, as defined in para. 3-2.9, shall be applied centrally between the upper and lower bolsters in both the minimum and the maximum positions. The load shall be applied for at least 10 min. Permanent increase in the dimension between the bottom of the upper bolster and the top of the lower bolster shall not exceed 0.125 in. (3.18 mm). This test shall be repeated with the movable bolster in its minimum and maximum elevation. A preload of no more than 100% of rated capacity should be applied to establish overall dimensional data points. A preload should be applied in both the minimum and the maxi- mum positions. If the dimension increases more than 0.125 in. (3.18 mm), it constitutes failure of this test. Any load-limiting device should be deactivated for the purposes of this test.

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