AS NZS 3003:2018 pdf free download

AS NZS 3003:2018 pdf free download

AS NZS 3003:2018 pdf free download
AS NZS 3003:2018 pdf free download.Electrical installations—Patient areas
All patient areas shall be body-protected electrical areas or cardiac-protected electrical areas.
Body-protected electrical areas shall be in accordance with the requirements of this Section and Section 3. Cardiac-protected electrical areas shall be in accordance with the requirements of this Section and Section 4. See Clause 2.2.3 to determine where cardiac-protected electrical areas are required.
All locations that form part of the facility and in which it is intended that low-voltage medical electrical equipment will be used on a patient and can be operated while connected to the electrical supply mains (except in emergencies) shall be signposted as body-protected or cardiac-protected electrical areas.
NOTE: Appendix A provides information in relation to planning of patient areas.
In Australia, body-protected and cardiac-protected electrical areas shall not be provided in the same room.
In New Zealand, notwithstanding the definitions in Clauses 1.5.4 and 1.5.5, body-protected and cardiac-protected electrical areas may be provided in the same room providing that—
(a) the boundaries of the cardiac-protected electrical areas are clearly and permanently inlaid in the floor;
(b) each socket-outlet in the cardiac-protected electrical area is separated by not less than 4000 mm from the nearest socket-outlet in the body-protected electrical area; and
(c) the nominal patient location centres are separated by not less than 4000 mm.
2.2.1 Documentation
Documentation outlining patient area locations and classifications shall be provided by the responsible organization/entity.
The documentation shall—
(a) identify the location of patient areas and whether they shall be classified as body-protected, or cardiac-protected areas;
(b) identify the location of areas that are determined by the responsible organization/entity to not be classified as patient areas (where no medical electrical equipment is used on a patient), and shall provide justification thereof;
(c) be readily available and retained at the premises;
(d) be updated to record all alterations, repairs and changes of use in nominated patient areas, and any changes of use where non-patient areas become patient areas.
NOTE: Where there is doubt about the intended use of a particular location, formal clarification should be sought from the responsible organization/entity, and the documentation updated accordingly.

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