AS NZS 3727.1:2016 pdf free download

AS NZS 3727.1:2016 pdf free download

AS NZS 3727.1:2016 pdf free download
AS NZS 3727.1:2016 pdf free download.Pavements
The subgrade shall be sprayed with a soil sterilizer to stop unwanted plant growth. Prior to laying asphalt the surface of the base shall be compacted in accordance with Clause 7.3 and be free of surface water or loose material and dust. Immediately prior to placing asphalt, the surface of the base shall be lightly sprayed with a bituminous emulsion (tack coat) in accordance with AS 2150. Where full depth asphalt is placed directly on the subgrade, an emulsion tack coat is not required.
7.3 BASE
The base shall comprise well-graded crushed rock and gravel with a maximum particle size of 26.5 mm and with a maximum clay content of 6% by mass.
Base compaction shall be deemed to be satisfied where the base is compacted in layers of 100 mm maximum with at least three passes of a vibrating steel roller or equivalent. The base shall be finished to within -0, +25 mm of the design levels, except where it abuts existing structures where it shall be -0, +10 mm. The surface of the prepared base shall not deviate by more than 10 mm from a 3 m length of the design profile. If a sub-base layer is required, it shall be compacted to the same standard.
7.4.1 General
Asphaltic concrete (AC) or simply asphalt shall be manufactured and placed in accordance with AS 2150. Asphaltic concrete mixes shall be as specified in Table 7.1. Class 320 or Class 450 bitumen, in accordance with AS 2008,shall be used for the binder. In colder regions and low traffic pavements, a Class 170 bitumen in accordance with AS 2008 may be used.
7.4.2 Surface finish
The asphalt pavement shall be compacted while hot (above 140°C) to achieve a dense, smooth surface, free of roller marks or loose material. Compaction shall be by mechanical steel-wheel rollers. In inaccessible areas, vibratory plates and hand tampers may be used. Special attention is required for these areas to ensure the asphalt is sufficiently hot to achieve a good surface finish. For larger areas a multi-tyred roller may be used for final compaction.
Finished surface levels shall be within 10 mm of the specified level at any point. The surface on a plane section shall not deviate by more than 10 mm from the bottom of a 3 m long straight edge laid in any direction.
The minimum in situ density of the compacted asphalt shall be at least 95% of a laboratory-compacted 50 blow Marshall density or 80 cycle Gyropac density. Layers placed less than 30 mm thickness shall not be tested for in situ density.

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