AS NZS 3509:2009 pdf free download

AS NZS 3509:2009 pdf free download

AS NZS 3509:2009 pdf free download
AS NZS 3509:2009 pdf free download.LP Gas fuel vessels for automotive use Bend test(s) of longitudinal joints
The main longitudinal weld shall be tested in accordance with AS 2205.3.1, with weld reinforcement removed and with the root of the weld of a single-sided weld in tension. The diameter of the former shall be equal to 4 times the specimen thickness, and the bend shall be continued until the limbs of the specimen are parallel. For a double-sided weld, the test shall be applied for each side of the weld with the weld reinforcement removed on both sides. The bend test dimensions shall be in accordance with the requirements of face and root bend test specimens for the transverse guided bend test of AS 2205.3.1. The test shall be passed if no cracks or unacceptable imperfections that exceed 3 mm in length become apparent on the convex surface.
Any attachment weld for a non-circular inserted pad, where ‘circular’ includes elliptical pads described in Clause and where more than 20 mm of weld is substantially parallel to the longitudinal axis of the vessel, shall be tested as follows:
(a) At least one test specimen shall be taken from each long edge of the attachment. Where weld length permits, one additional test specimen shall be taken from each long edge at spacings to be representative of all substantially parallel sections of the weld.
(b) The width of the bend test piece shall be not less than 30 mm.
(c) Testing shall be completed by bending the test piece to an angle of 90 degrees, without use of a former. The root of the weld shall be located so that it is in tension. Bend test of circumferential joint
The test shall be in accordance with AS 2205.3.1, with the root of the weld in tension, and the diameter of the former equal to four times the specimen thickness.
Where there are two circumferential joints, the test specimens shall be taken from alternate joints on successive sampled cylinders. The test shall be passed if no cracks or unacceptable imperfections that exceed 3 mm in length become apparent on the convex surface.

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