IEC 60309-2:2021 pdf free download

IEC 60309-2:2021 pdf free download

IEC 60309-2:2021 pdf free download
IEC 60309-2:2021 pdf free download.Plugs, fixed or portable socket-outlets and appliance inlets for industrial purposes
For accessories having rated operating voltages exceeding 50 V, the symbol indicating the position of the earthing contact shall be a numeral followed by the letter h.
The numeral is derived from the position of the earth contact tube, when compared with the face of a clock, the socket-outlet being viewed from the front with the keyway at the sixth hour.For accessories having rated operating voltages not exceeding 50 V, the symbol indicating the position of the minor key shall be a numeral followed by the letter h.
The numeral is derived from the position of the minor key, when compared with the face of a clock, the socket-outlet being viewed from the front with the major key at the sixth hour.
For plugs and appliance inlets, the symbol indicating the position of the earthing contact or the minor keyway shall be the same as that for the corresponding socket-outlet.
Contact tubes of socket-outlets shall be positioned in the clockwise order when viewed from the front as shown in the standard sheets (see also 7.5).
Pins of plugs and appliance inlets shall be positioned in the opposite order viewed from the front.
7.4 Replace the existing text with the following:
For plugs and portable socket-outlets, the marking specified in 7.1 shall be easily discernible when the accessory is wired ready for use.
The marking for insulation voltage shall be on the main part; it shall not be visible when the accessory is mounted and wired as in normal use.
NOTE The term “ready for use” does not imply that the plug or portable socket-outlet is engaged with its complementary accessory.
For phase inverters, these symbols shall conform in one position with the requirements of 7 In the other position of the inverting means, the phase marking need not conform.
Additional marking to indicate neutral terminal and/or earthing terminal may be used as follows:
– letter W and/or white colour for neutral;
– letter G and/or green colour for earthing.

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