IEC 62321-2:2021 pdf free download

IEC 62321-2:2021 pdf free download

IEC 62321-2:2021 pdf free download
IEC 62321-2:2021 pdf free download.Determination of certain substances in electrotechnical products
4.6 Purpose of the analysis
The sampling strategy will also depend on the ultimate objective of the analysis. One strategy (perhaps used by enforcement authorities) is an analysis to verify if the product contains at least one certain substance exceeding the allowable limits. This approach involves gradual, selective sampling, targeting deliberately those parts of the product that are either known, or are likely to contain certain substances. Each sampling phase could be followed by testing. If the results are not conclusive to show certain substances are above the allowable limit, a further stage of sampling and analysis could be performed. Once the test results exceed the allowable limit for at least one certain substance in any part, the product as a whole is deemed non- conforming and no further sampling and analysis are necessary. Annex B provides a list of parts which currently have a probability of the presence of one or more certain substances.
If the objective of the analysis is to release a product for production or to prove full conformity of the product, a more in-depth sampling strategy than an occasional check on specifications is necessary. Samples would be prepared from each individual material or part. As the objective is to cover all parts and materials in a product, other routes may be used to gather information on a product level. In the downstream supply chain, process documentation and/or analysis reports may exist that would reduce the effort required in sampling and analysis.
In order to optimize costs and efficiency, the desired outcome of the testing needs to be well understood. It is often impractical to sample and test all parts and materials of a product. An organization is left to determine the optimum balance of effort and costs against effectiveness of the sampling strategy. Some considerations to minimize sampling and testing efforts and costs are listed below:
– parts or materials with a low probability of containing certain substances (less likely to contain certain substances hence pose a lower risk of non-conformity if not tested, see Annex B) that could be excluded from the testing if the supplier is trustworthy;

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