IEC 60945:2002 pdf free download

IEC 60945:2002 pdf free download

IEC 60945:2002 pdf free download
IEC 60945:2002 pdf free download.Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems – General requirements
6.1.1 General
A check shall be made that all modes of operation required by the equipment standard are available, and that they may be controlled over the required range. Use shall be made of every position of every control provided to ensure that it performs the function for which it is identified and that it operates in the expected manner.
6.1.2 Arrangement (See 4.2.1 .2)
a) Check that the number of operational controls, their design and manner of function, location, arrangement and size provide for simple, quick and effective operation of the EUT. Check that the controls are logically grouped according to their function.
b) Check that the shape and size of each control is appropriate to its mode of operation. In the case of trackballs, joysticks and mice check that the controller can produce any combination of x and y axis output values and that the controller does not drive the follower off the edge of the screen. In the case of joysticks, check that there is a “home position” with a capability for a return to that point.
c) In the case of touch screens check that the dimension of the response area for a push to activate operation is a minimum of 1 5 mm height and width and the force required for operation is a maximum of 1 ,5 N where applicable.
d) Check that information presentation is suited to the maximum expected rate of change of information, for example analogue presentation is sometimes more suited to rapid change than digital.
e) Check that rotating controls and indicators turn clockwise for increased value or effect.
f) Check that linear controls and indicators move upwards or to the right for increased value or effect.
g) Check that where users must rapidly discern directional change, digital displays are provided with indications of directions of change.
h) Check that equipment elements relating to control, and indicators associated with control, are readily distinguishable from elements provided for other functions, such as equipment set-up.

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