IEC 60079-16:1990 pdf free download

IEC 60079-16:1990 pdf free download

IEC 60079-16:1990 pdf free download
IEC 60079-16:1990 pdf free download.Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres
3.4 Requirements for equipment installed in an analyzer(s) house
The installation of the analyzers should be such that as much as possible inside the analyzer(s) house the length of piping, the number of joints and other components containing flammable materials are kept to a minimum. As much as possible of the piping and equipment for sample conditioning, as well as all reserves of non-inert gas or liquid, should be mounted outside or in an adjoining building classified appropriately .
The diameters of the gas sample inlet and outlet pipes should be the minimum necessary to provide the maximum flow of gas needed by the analyzer but having adequate mechanical strength .
The total system from sample ta ke-off point to final return point or point of discharge should be designed with the consequence of compo-nent failure in mind. Pressure relief devices and flow restrictors should be incorporated whenever necessary to limit to a minimal value any resulting escape of flammable substances into the analyzer(s) house .
All pipes which lead flammable substances into the analyzer(s) house should be capable of being isolated outside the analyzer(s) house.
Sampling operations which involve the intentional release of flammable substances should be carried out in a suitable location outside the analyzer(s) house.
4.1 The building should not be larger than necessary, in order to reduce the required supply of ventilation air. On the other hand, the building should be large enough to ensure safe operation of the ins trumentation and safe access and exit.
4.2 Precautions should be taken if highly insulating materials are being used in the construction of the analyzer(s) house, auxiliary equipment and ventilation system, so as to avoid any potential electrostatic haza rds .
4.3 The building and the arrangement of the analyzers, auxiliary equipment and ventilation system should be so designed that accumu- lation of flammable substances does not occur inside the analyzer(s) house.
False ceilings and floors should be avoided but if used particular care should be taken with regard to the purging and ventilation of the spaces created.
Cable trenches in the floor should be avoided but if they are used they should be completely filled and adequately covered and sealed.

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