IEC 60364-1:2005 pdf free download

IEC 60364-1:2005 pdf free download

IEC 60364-1:2005 pdf free download
IEC 60364-1:2005 pdf free download.Low-voltage electrical installations
1 34.1 .1 Good workmanship by competent persons and proper materials shall be used in the erection of the electrical installation. Electrical equipment shall be installed in accordance with the instructions provided by the manufacturer of the equipment.
1 34.1 .2 The characteristics of the electrical equipment, as determined in accordance with Clause 1 33, shall not be impaired during erection.
1 34.1 .3 Conductors shall be identified in accordance with IEC 60446. Where identification of terminals is necessary, they shall be identified in accordance with IEC 60445.
1 34.1 .4 Connections between conductors and between conductors and other electrical equipment shall be made in such a way that safe and reliable contact is ensured.
1 34.1 .5 All electrical equipment shall be installed in such a manner that the designed heat dissipation conditions are not impaired.
1 34.1 .6 All electrical equipment likely to cause high temperatures or electric arcs shall be placed or guarded so as to minimize the risk of ignition of flammable materials. Where the temperature of any exposed parts of electrical equipment is likely to cause injury to persons, those parts shall be so located or guarded as to prevent accidental contact therewith.
1 34.1 .7 Where necessary for safety purposes, suitable warning signs and/or notices shall be provided.
1 34.1 .8 Where an installation is erected by using new materials, inventions or methods leading to deviations from the rules of IEC 60364 series, the resulting degree of safety of the installation shall not be less than that obtained by compliance with IEC 60364 series.
1 34.1 .9 In the case of an addition or alteration to an existing installation, it shall be determined that the rating and condition of existing equipment, which will have to carry any additional load, is adequate for the altered circumstances. Furthermore, the earthing and bonding arrangements, if necessary for the protective measure applied for the safety of the addition or alteration, shall be adequate.

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