ASME B16.48:2020 pdf free download

ASME B16.48:2020 pdf free download

ASME B16.48:2020 pdf free download
ASME B16.48:2020 pdf free download.Line Blanks
6.1 General
(a) Materials forlineblanks shallbe inaccordancewith ASME B16.5, Table 1A and shall include material restric- tions cited in notes to ASME B16.5, Tables 2 and 2C. The blank and spacer portions of line blanks shall be manu- factured as one piece in accordance with the applicable material specification. Assembly ofmultiple pieces into a blank or spacer portion by welding or other means is not permitted by this Standard. Attachment of the handle or web (tie bar) to a blank or spacer portion by welding or other means is permitted.
(b) Recommended bolting materials for flange-blank assemblies are listed in ASME B16.5, Table 1B.
(c) Formaterials manufactured to editions ofthe mate- rial specification other than those listed in ASME B16.5, Mandatory Appendix II, refer to para. 6.2.
(d) Criteria forthe selection ofmaterials are notwithin the scope of this Standard.
6.2 Materials Manufactured to Other Editions
Materials may meet the requirements ofmaterial spec- ification editions other than those listed in ASME B16.5, Appendix II, provided
(a) the materials are the same specification, grade, type, class, alloy, and heat-treated condition, as applicable
(b) the line blank manufacturer certifies that the re- quirements of the edition of the specification listed in ASME B16.5, Mandatory Appendix II have been met
7.2 Marking Method
The markingshall be applied bysteel stampingorother marking device that leaves a legible imprint. When marking on the blind portion of the blanks, low stress marking shall be used and shall not impinge on the gasket seating surface.
8.1 Paddle Handles
In order to differentiate between an installed paddle spacer and a paddle blank, it is required that there be an externally visible distinction between the two as required by paras. 8.2 and 8.3.
8.3 Paddle Spacer Handles
Handles for paddle spacers shall have a single through indicatorhole located nearthe end ofthe handle. The hole diameter shall not be less than 12 mm ( 1 ∕ 2 in.).

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