AS NZS 1859.1:2017 pdf free download
AS NZS 1859.1:2017 pdf free download.Reconstituted wood-based panels— Specifications
7.3 Upper specification limits
The requirements in Tables 3 and 4 are the upper specification limits for the following properties:
(a) Thickness swelling.
(b) Thickness swelling after cyclic test.
The 95-percentile values, based on the mean values for individual panels and calculated in accordance with AS/NZS 4266.1 (as referenced in Clause 9), shall be equal to or less than the upper specification limits in Tables 3 and 4.
7.4 Moisture resistance
Requirements for moisture resistance are dependent upon the test method employed to assess these properties. Thus, two alternative sets of requirements (Option 1 and Option 2) are set out in Table 4 corresponding to the two principal recognized methods of evaluation.Compliance shall be shown with only one of these two options, as follows:
(a) Option 1 Requirements apply to those particleboards subjected to an accelerated aging test consisting of immersion in water at 70°C followed by determination of the wet bending strength as described in Method A of AS/NZS 4266.1.
(b) Option 2 Requirements apply to those particleboards subjected to an accelerated aging test, the so-called ‘cyclic test’ described in AS/NZS 4266.1.
NOTE: Moisture resistance testing is not intended to prove durability of a new resin system but to confirm the correct processing of panels made from a resin system proven to provide the required durability.
For certain applications, information on some of the properties listed in Table 5 may be required. On request, this information shall be supplied and, in this case, it shall have been derived using the test methods listed in Table 5.
Each panel and/or pack of panels shall be marked legibly at the point of manufacture either by indelible direct printing or by an adhesive label with at least the following information:
(a) The manufacturer’s name, trademark or identification mark.
(b) Reference to this Standard, i.e. AS/NZS 1859.1.
(c) The nominal thickness.
(d) The formaldehyde classification.
(e) The batch number, or the production week and year.
(f) The classification, e.g. STD or MR.
NOTE: If relevant, the country of manufacture should be included in the marking label.
The percentage of recycled and/or reclaimed fibre used in manufacture may be claimed in product marking.
MR particleboards may be colour coded by the incorporation of a dye in the core layer of the panel. In addition, panels may be colour coded by the vertical application near one corner of a coloured stripe or stripes, approximately 25 mm in width. The colours shall be appropriate to the market into which the particleboards are being sold. Current practice is to use a green dye to differentiate MR particleboard.