AS NZS 3629.11:2013 pdf free download
AS NZS 3629.11:2013 pdf free download.Methods of testing child restraints
The following test apparatus is required:
(a) Headform of the dimensions and design specified in AS/NZS 2512.1:2009 as ‘Headform A’, made of Mg K1A material and instrumented as described in Item (d)(iv) below.
NOTE: A material with the following composition has been found suitable—magnesium/zirconium binary alloy with 0.3% to 0.8% zirconium, d = 1.79 ±0.01 kg/dm 3 .
(b) An anvil consisting of a solid mass of at least 450 kg faced with a steel plate of at least 25 mm in thickness and having a lateral dimension of at least 500 mm × 500 mm.
(c) Release mechanism capable of smoothly releasing the drop assembly.
(d) A drop assembly complying with the following:
(i) It shall consist of a headform (size A) and a supporting assembly, the combined mass of which shall be 3.1 ±0.05 kg.
(ii) The mass of the supporting assembly, which comprises the supporting arm and ball socket stem, shall not exceed 20% of the mass of the drop assembly.
NOTE: It may be necessary to obtain the mass of the ball socket stem by calculation.
(iii) The centre of mass of the combined test headform and supporting assembly shall be within a cone with its axis vertical and forming a 10° included angle with the vertex located at the point on the external surface of the test headform,which is vertically below the centre of the accelerometer. (See Figure 1).The combined centre of mass shall be determined for all points on the headform above the test line.
1 This is because, as the headform rotates, the combined centre of mass changes.
2 This may be accomplished mathematically once the centre of mass of the headform and support assembly has been determined.
(iv) An acceleration transducer shall be mounted at the centre of the ball socket,with the sensitive axis aligned to within 5° of the vertical when the test headform is in the impact position.
(v) The acceleration data channel shall comply with the requirements for Channel Class 1000 of SAE J211.
(vi) A means to control the direction of the free fall.
(e) Means of securing the child restraint test specimen to hold it in position prior to, and whilst, the headform is impacting the specimen.
(f) Apparatus as specified in AS/NZS 3629.1 required for testing the child restraint in side impact.
Typical apparatus for impact energy attenuation test is shown in Figure 2.