AS NZS 4399:2017 pdf free download

AS NZS 4399:2017 pdf free download

AS NZS 4399:2017 pdf free download
AS NZS 4399:2017 pdf free download.Sun protective clothing—Evaluation and classification
Assess the fluorescence in the 350 nm–400 nm region as follows:
(a) Measure the spectral transmittance of a specimen of the sample under test, including the means (if any) used to minimize the influence of fluorescence, using the procedure given in Paragraph A9.
(b) Place a filter which has spectral transmittances 0.001 at wavelengths 400 nm and less, and spectral transmittances 0.80 at wavelengths in the region 460 nm–600 nm immediately in front of the integrating sphere input port, and after the sample and any other means used to control the effects of fluorescence.
(c) Measure the spectral transmittance in the region 350 nm–400 nm using the procedure given in Paragraph A9. Any measurable value is due to fluorescence.
(d) If the indicated spectral transmittance is greater than 0.01 in the region 350 nm–400 nm when measured in this way, an alternative means of reducing the effect of fluorescence shall be found, and this procedure shall be repeated from Item A7.2(a).
At least four specimens shall be taken from each sample submitted for test, so that at least two measurements are made from the machine direction and at least two from the cross machine direction. These specimens shall be as widely spaced as possible across the width of the sample, to ensure that sampling is representative. The first 5 cm from each selvedge shall be discarded. More specimens may be needed from that sample if the material is non-uniform (e.g. if there are areas of different colour, printing or fibre content).
The following points shall be considered in selecting areas of material for testing:
(a) If a garment or material has areas of different colour, a representative range of colours within the area of test shall be tested and the lowest rating colour reported.
(b) If the garment or material has areas of different texture, the area with the most open structural area shall be used as a sample.
(c) If a garment is fully lined, the lining and outer fabric shall be tested together.
Care should be taken not to distort the cloth structure during the preparation of test specimens. If the sample is to be cut, lay the material sample out in a flat, tensionless state to minimize distortion.

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