ASME A18.1:2020 pdf free download

ASME A18.1:2020 pdf free download

ASME A18.1:2020 pdf free download
ASME A18.1:2020 pdf free download.Safety Standard for Platform Lifts and Stairway Chairlifts
3.9.3 Upper and lower final terminal stopping devices operated by the platform shall be provided to remove power from the motor and the brake if provided, except as specified in 3.9.6. They shall be set to stop the platform afterittravels pastthe normal terminal stop- ping device and before striking an obstruction. A slack- rope device equipped with a slack-rope switch of the enclosed manually reset type that shall cause the electric powertoberemovedfromthedriving-machinemotorand brake, ifprovided, ifanyhoistingrope becomes slackshall be permitted to be used as the lower final terminal stop- ping device.
3.9.4 Final terminal stopping devices shall be mechanically operated. The switch contacts shall be directly opened mechanically. Arrangements that depend on a spring or gravity, or a combination thereof, to open the contacts shall not be used.
3.9.5 The final terminal stopping device shall not control the same controller switches as the normal term- inalstoppingdeviceunlesstwoormoreseparateandinde- pendent switches are provided, two of which shall be closed to complete the driving-machine motor-and- brake circuit in either direction of travel. Where a two- or three-phase alternating-current driving-machine motor is used, these switches shall be of the multipole type. The control shall be so designed and installed that a single ground or short circuit shall be permitted to allow either, but not prevent both, of the normal and final stopping device circuits from stopping the platform.
3.9.6 Final terminal stoppingdevices are notrequired fordirect-plungerhydraulicdrivingmachines. Lowerfinal terminal stopping devices are not required where the limitations of the machine or runway limit the travel oftheplatform(e.g., aplatformatrestonthebottomterm- inal landing). Where applicable, and where approved by theauthorityhavingjurisdiction,theliftshallbepermitted to be attendant operated. The attendant shall be summoned by means of clearly labeled attendant call stations placed at each landing. The attendant shall operate the lift by means of a continuous-pressure switch located in a control box on the free end of a detachable, flexible cordnotmorethan1 500 mm(60 in.) inlength.Amanually reset emergency stop switch shall also be provided in the control box.

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