ASME ANDE-1:2020 pdf free download

ASME ANDE-1:2020 pdf free download

ASME ANDE-1:2020 pdf free download
ASME ANDE-1:2020 pdf free download.ASME Nondestructive Examination and Quality Control Central Qualification and Certification Program
1-6.2 Continuity of Certification
(a) To maintain a certification in an NDE or QC method and applicable endorsement(s), the individual shall remain actively engaged in the method and applicable endorsement(s) certified. The individual shall complete a qualification/continuity card for each NDE or QC method and applicable endorsement(s) for which he or she is certified. An ANDE Level III shall sign the card, and the individual shall submit it to the CB annually. The submittal shall occuratleast60 days, butno more than 90 days, before the anniversarydate ofeach 12-month (365- day) period after initial certification. The CB shall notify the individual of the qualification/continuity card approval status before the certification anniversary date.
(b) An individual who has not performed the duties associated with his or her certification during any 12- month (365-day) period shall be considered to have inter- rupted service. Further, an individual who does not submit the qualification/continuity card within the designated period shall be considered to have interrupted service.
(c) An individual with interrupted service who wishes to reinstate his or her certification shall successfully demonstrate continued proficiency in the previously certified method(s) and applicable endorsement(s) before being allowed to perform NDE or QC inspection [see para. 1-3.5(a)(3)]. The individual shall complete a reduced-scope practical demonstration for each inter- rupted certification method and applicable endorsement. The individual shall successfully complete the reduced- scope practical demonstration no later than 90 days after the anniversary date of each 12-month (365-day) period. The CB shall document and maintain the results of the reduced-scope practical demonstration as part of the individual’s CB certification records. The CB shall notify the individual of the results of the reduced-scope practical demonstration within 30 days of completion and, if the individual is successful, of the resumption of the ANDE Certification.
(d) The activities in (a) and (c) shall be performed in accordance with an applicable SIS committee-approved procedure.

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