ASME B16.49:2017 pdf free download

ASME B16.49:2017 pdf free download

ASME B16.49:2017 pdf free download
13.1 Workmanship and Finish
If required for inspection, all bends shall be grit-blasted orshot-blastedcleanto a bright metal finish in accordance with SSPC-SP 6. All bends shall be visuallyexamined on all accessible surfaces for laminations, cracks, notches, gouges, arc burns, wrinkles, or other defects. Surface imperfections shall be removed bygrindingormachining, provided they are not deeper than allowed in para. 12.3. Repair by welding of base metal or weld metal is not permitted withoutpurchaser approval. Itis characteristic of the induction process that an upset occurs at each tangent point (transition) of a bend. These are of a cosmetic nature and are not classified as injurious defects, provided these upsets have a dimension measured from peak to valley not exceeding 2% of the pipe outside diameter.
13.2 Nondestructive Examination
The entire extrados of each bend, from neutral axis to neutral axis including the weld seam, shall be a magnetic particle or liquid penetrant examined for injurious defects. The area shall be free of cracks, laps, or lamina- tions. All rounded indications greaterthan 3 mm (0.12 in.) in any direction shall be classified as imperfections and shall be removed as required in para. 13.1.
13.3 Outside Inspection
An inspector representing the purchaser shall be authorized access to areas of the manufacturer’s facility that involve the manufacture of the ordered bends. All testing records, welding records, etc., shall be available for inspection prior to shipment.
The supplementary requirements (paras. SR15.1 through SR15.8) are not applicable to the product furn- ished to this Standard except when specified on the purchase orderorotherwise agreedupon. Whenspecified or agreed upon, supplementary requirements shall have the same force as requirements of mandatory sections 1 through14. Eachbendshallbemarkedwiththeapplicable supplementary requirement (e.g., SR15.1) after the normal marking required in para. 4.1.

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