ASME B16.51:2013 pdf free download

ASME B16.51:2013 pdf free download

ASME B16.51:2013 pdf free download
ASME B16.51:2013 pdf free download.Copper and Copper Alloy Press-Connect Pressure Fittings
14.8.1 Test Assembly. A test assembly shall be fabri- cated usingfive lengths ofcoppertube, two couplings, and two elbows as shown in Figure 14.8.1-1. Two lengths of tube shall be connected with press-connect couplings. Press-connect elbows shall join the three remaining lengths. The sample shall be installed in a test assembly that subjects the system to a vibration while pressurized to 2 760 kPa ± 50 kPa (400 psi ± 7 psi). The test assembly shall be subjected to 1 000 000 vibration cycles. A vibra- tion cycle shall be a forward and reverse movement of 1 mm (0.04 in.) at a frequency of 20 Hz ± 2 Hz. After the vibration cycling, the sample shall be hydrostatically tested to a pressure of 4 140 kPa ± 50 kPa (600 psi ± 7 psi) for a period of 30 min at a temperature of 20°C ± 5°C (68°F ± 9°F).
14.8.2 Acceptance Criteria. Duringthe test, there shall be no visible leakage of the joint.
14.9 Thermocycling Test
14.9.1 Test Assembly. A test assembly shall be con- structed using Type L copper tube and press-connect fittings in accordance with Figure 14.9.1-1. The specimen shallbeinstalledinatestassemblythatpermitstheflowof oxygenated wateratapressure of1 000 kPa± 50 kPa(145 psi ± 7 psi). Flow water at a temperature of 20°C ± 5°C (68°F ± 9°F) through the specimen for a period of15 min fornominalsize2 andsmaller,and30 minfornominalsize 2 1 ∕ 2 and larger. Change the flowto hotwater ata tempera-ture of93°C ± 5°C (200°F ± 9°F) for a period of15 min for nominal size 2 and smaller, and 30 min for nominal size 2 1 ∕ 2 and larger. Continue this cycling for 5 000 cycles for nominal size 2 and smaller, and 2 500 cycles for nominal size 2 1 ∕ 2 and larger. The water temperature in the piping shall reach the change in temperature within a period of 2 min.
14.10.1 Test Assembly. Prepare two samples with a copper press-connect coupling joining two lengths of copper tube. Install one test assembly in a dynamic torque test assembly that twists the tube at the nonfixed end,withrespectto thecoupling,5 deg± 0.5 deg, as shown inFigure14.10.1-1. Atatemperature of20°C ± 5°C (68°F± 9°F), cycle the specimen 10 000 times (a cycle is twisting one direction, reversing, and twisting in the other direc-tion) . Repeat the test with the second sample at a tempera- ture of 93°C ± 2°C (200°F ± 5°F). After completing the twisting cycles, the samples shall be hydrostatically tested to a pressure of 2 760 kPa ± 50 kPa (400 psi ± 7 psi) for a period of 1 h at a temperature of 20°C ± 5°C (68°F ± 9°F).

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