Classification of the fire and mechanical performance of wiring system elements

Classification of the fire and mechanical performance of wiring system elements

AS 3013-2005 pdf download.Electrical installations—Classification of the fire and mechanical performance of wiring system elements.
3.1.1 General
The basic designation used to indicate the ability of the elements of a wiring system to maintain circuit integrity under tire conditions for a specified period and to maintain circuit integrity against mechanical damage of specified severity shall consist of a code of four characters.
3.1.2 Basic designation
The designation shall consist of the following characters—
(a) the characteristic letters .Uf5’ (wiring system);
(b) followed by a first characteristic numeral, where applicable (see Clause 3.2);
(c) followed by a second characteristic numeral. shcrc applicable (see Clause 3.3): and
(d) a supplementary letter W’ hich may be added, where applicable (see Clause 3.4.).
3.1.3 Single characteristic numeral designation
Where an element classification is indicated by only one characteristic numeral. the letter
•X’ shall be used in (he position normally occupied by the omitted characteristic numeral. e.g. WSX5 or WS2X.
3.2.1 Purpose
The first characteristic numeral represents the time for which cables and busways are able to maintain circuit integrity under specified fire conditions. It also represents the time that the supports and fixings are able to support their nominated load under specified fire conditions.
3.2.2 Ability to maintain circuit integrity
When tested in accordance with Appendix A. cables and busways shall maintain circuit integrity for the minimum time specified in Table 3.1 in order to be assigned the associated characteristic numeral.
3.2.3 Compliance
Compliance of a wiring system element s ith a stated degree of fire protection means that the clement also complies with degrees of protection of lower rank in Table 3.1. i.e. of a lower numeral, and therefore tests for degrees of protection of lower rank need not be conducted.
3.3.1 Purpose
The second characteristic numeral represents the degree of mechanical impact and cutting force to which an element of a wiring system can be subjected to the criteria specified without failure.
3.3.2 Test conditions
Table 3.2, columns 2 and 3 give details of the minimum impact energies and cutting force criteria for the wiring system element.
3.3.3 Compliance
Compliance of an element of a iring system with a stated degree of mechanical protection means that the element of a %iring system also complies sith degrees of protection of lower rank in Table 3.2. i.e. of lower numeral. and therefore tests for degrees of protection of lower rank iiecd not be conducted.
3.3.4 Classification
Impact and cutting tests shall be performed and the results recorded. The wiring system element classification is taken to be the losest of the two results.
The cutting test (Appendix F). is not a classification criteria for busways. The mechanical classification for busway systems is determined from the impact test (Appendix D) alone.
3.4.) Purpose
The supplementary letter W. when added to the basic designation. represents the ability of cables and busways to maintain circuit integrity when subject to the fire test in accordance with Appendix A. followed by a water spray test in accordance with Appendix B.
3.4.2 Ability to maintain circuit integrity
The addition of the supplementary letter W to a cable or busway classification means that the cable or buswa is able to maintain circuit integrity when—
(a) tested against exposure to fire conditions in accordance with Appendix A for the period specified by the first characteristic numeral (see Clause 3.2): and
(b) then subjected to a water spra) test, as specified in Appendix B.
3.4.3 Compliance
Compliance of an element of a wiring system to a W’ classification means that the element is able to maintain circuit integrity in accordance with Clause 3.4.2. Tests for first characteristic numeral of lower rank classification need not be conducted.
The water spray test need not be performed on supports and fixings. Supports and fixings are deemed to comply and may be assigned a supplementary letter W in (heir classification.AS 3013-2005 pdf download.Classification of the fire and mechanical performance of wiring system elements

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