Ductile iron pipes and fittings

Ductile iron pipes and fittings

AS NZS 2280-
2020 pdf download.Ductile iron pipes and fittings.
2.5 Linings
2.5.1 General
Pipes shall be lined in accordance with either Clause 2.S. or Clause L5.3 [see Note 1J.
Fittings shall be lined in accordance with Clause 2.5.4 (see Note 2).
Internal surfaces of sockets shall conform to Clause 2.4.
Linings shall not affect the sealing of elastorneric seals and flange gaskets.
NOTE I Polyurethane linings meeting the requirements of EN 15655-1 may be applied as an alternative to cement mortar lining by agreement between the purchaser and supplier.
NOTE 2 Other lining systems for pipes and fittings may be specified by the purchaser.
NOTE 3 Guidelines for the use of cement mortar linings in sewerage applications are given in WSAA TN6.
2.5.2 Cement mortar lining intended for drinking and recycled water applications
Unless an alternative lining Is specified, pipes shall be cement mortar lined along their effective length In accordance with Appendix ft The cement shall be in accordance with AS 3972 GP, Gil or SR cement.
The cement mortar lining thickness shall be as specified in Table 2.5.2.
During manufacture, the thickness of the freshly applied lining shall be measured by a calibrated spear having a diameter of 1.5 mm or less, or by another verifiable method. When using a spear, it shall be Inserted perpendicular to the lining surface at a minimum distance of 100 mm from the end face of the pipe or fitting.
Where specified, seal coatings shall conform to ISO 16132.
NOTE I Seal coatings are applied over the cement mortar lining of pipes for use in aggressive water situations, particularly for small diameter pipelines where the residence time of water in the pipeline Is long.
NOTE 2 Guidance on the use of a seal coating should be sought from the manufacturer. In general, consideration should be given to the use of seal coatings where the total alkalinity of the water being conveyed is less than 30 mg/L.
2.5.3 Calcium aluminate cement mortar lining
Where specified, pipes shall be calcium aluminate cement mortar lined along their effective length in accordance with Appendix D. The calcium aluminate cement shall have a minimum alumina content of 48 %,
The cement mortar lining thickness shall be as specified in Table 2.5.2.
During manufacture, the thickness of the freshly applied lining shall be measured by a calibrated spear having a diameter of 1.5 mm or less, or by another verifiable method. When using a spear, it shall be inserted perpendicular to the lining surface at a minimum distance of 100 mm from the end face of the pipe.
NOTE 1 Calcium aluminate cement mortar lining is intended for aggressive water applications and is not suitable for drinking water applications.
NOTE 2 For aggressive water applications, consideration should be given to protection of the pipe end not covered by the mortar lining and thus exposed to the aggressive water,
2.5.4 Thermal-bonded polymeric linings
Thermal-bonded polymeric linings on fittings shall be in accordance with AS/NZS 4158.
2.6 Elastomenc seals
Elastomeric seals shall be in accordance with AS 1646.
2.7 Flange gasket materials
Flange gaskets materials shall be in accordance with WSA 109.AS NZS 2280-2020 pdf download.

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