EN IEC 62040-1:2019 pdf free download

EN IEC 62040-1:2019 pdf free download

EN IEC 62040-1:2019 pdf free download
EN IEC 62040-1:2019 pdf free download.Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or other non-acid electrolytes – Safety requirements for secondary lithium cells and batteries, for use in industrial applications
7.3.2 Internal short-circuit test (cell)
a) Requirement
A forced internal short-circuit test for cylindrical cells and prismatic cells shall not cause fire. Cell manufacturers shall keep a record to meet the requirements. A new design evaluation shall be done by the cell manufacturer after testing is conducted by the cell manufacturer or a third party test house.
b) Test
Refer to 8.3.9 of IEC 62133:2012 for the test method except for the test temperature. AII the tests are carried out in an ambient temperature of 25°C±5 °C.
The sample preparation procedure may be changed from the procedure outlined in IEC 62133 prior to performing the final pressing process with the corresponding charging procedure according to 8.3.9 of IEC 62133:2012. For example:
– the nickel particle may be inserted into a discharged electrode element and then charged, or
– the nickel particle may be inserted into the electrode element before electrolyte flling and then it may be assembled, flled with electrolyte and charged. In these assemblies,a polyethylene bag and/or an aluminium-laminated bag can be used instead of the metal case for the actual cell.
In the case of a prismatic cell with either a stacking type or folding type electrode element,the nickel particle should be inserted at the centre of the end positive and negative electrode pair, and the maximum pressing pressure is 400 N .
To judge that an internal short between the positive and negative electrodes or substrate has occurred, it is acceptable to use a voltage drop less than 50 mV if a high accuracy voltage meter with enough accuracy to detect the voltage drop is used, and the actual short-circuit location can be confirmed with an inspection of the internal short-circuit location on the sample after the test.

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