IEC 60529:1989 pdf free download

IEC 60529:1989 pdf free download

IEC 60529:1989 pdf free download
IEC 60529:1989 pdf free download.Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP Code)
5.2 Protection against solid foreign objects
Table .II gives brief desc ri ptions and the definitions for the degrees of protection against the penetration of solid foreign objects including dust.
Degrees of protection listed in this table shall only be specified by the first characteristic numeral and not by reference to the brief description or definition.
The protection against the ingress of solid foreign objects implies that the object probes up to numeral 2 in Table II shall not fully penetrate the enclosure. This means that the full diameter of the sphere shall not pass through an opening in the enclosure.
Object probes for numerals 3 and 4 shall not penetrate the enclosure at all.
Dust-protected enclosures to numeral 5 allow a limited quantity of dust to penetrate under ce rt ain conditions.
Dust-tight enclosures to numeral 6 do not allow any dust to penetrate.
Note. — Enclosures assigned a first characteristic numeral of 1 to 4 generally exclude both regularly and irregularly shaped solid foreign objects provided that three mutually perpendicular dimensions of the object exceed the appropriate figure in column 3 of Table II.
The tests are specified in Clause 13.
6. Degrees of protection against ingress of water indicated by the second characteristic numeral
The second characteristic numeral indicates the degree of protection provided by enclosures with respect to harmful effects on the equipment due to the ingress of water.The tests for the second characteristic numeral are carried out with fresh water. The actual protection may not be satisfactory if cleaning operations with high pressure and/or solvents are used.
Table III gives brief desc ri ptions and definitions of the protection for the degrees represented by the second characteristic numeral.
Degrees of protection listed in this table shall be specified only by the second characteristic numeral and not by reference to the brief description or definition.
The tests are specified in Clause 14.
Up to and including second characteristic numeral 6, the designation implies compliance also with the requirements for all lower characteristic numerals. However, the tests establishing compliance with any one of the lower degrees of protection need not necessarily be carried out provided that these tests obviously would be met if applied.

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