EN IEC 60034-5:2020 pdf free download

EN IEC 60034-5:2020 pdf free download

EN IEC 60034-5:2020 pdf free download
EN IEC 60034-5:2020 pdf free download.Rotating electrical machines
4.1 General
The designation used for the degree of protection consists of the letters IP followed by two characteristic numerals signifying conformity with the conditions indicated in the tables of Clauses 5 and 6 respectively.
4.2 Single characteristic numeral
When it is required to indicate a degree of protection by only one characteristic numeral, the omitted numeral shall be replaced by the letter X, for example IPX5 or IP2X.
4.3.1 Additional information may be indicated by a supplementary letter following the second characteristic numeral. If more than one letter is used, the alphabetic sequence shall apply.
4.3.2 In special applications (such as machines with open circuit cooling for ship deck installation with air inlet and outlet openings closed during standstill), numerals may be followed by a letter indicating whether the protection against harmful effects due to ingress of water was verified or tested for the machine not running (letter S) or the machine running (letter M). In this case, the degree of protection in either state of the machine shall be indicated, for example IP55S/IP20M. The absence of the letters S and M shall imply that the intended degree of protection will be provided under all normal conditions of use.
4.3.3 For air-cooled open machines suitable for specific weather conditions and provided with additional protective features or processes (as specified in Clause 1 1 ), the letter W may be used.
5.1 Indication of degree of protection
The first characteristic numeral indicates the degree of protection provided by the enclosure to persons and to the parts of the machine inside the enclosure.
Table 2 gives, in the third column, brief details of objects which will be ‘excluded’ from the enclosure for each of the degrees of protection represented by the first characteristic numeral.
Compliance of an enclosure with an indicated degree of protection implies that the enclosure will also comply with all lower degrees of protection in Table 2. In consequence, the tests establishing these lower degrees of protection are not required, except in case of doubt.

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