IEC 60034-15:1995 pdf free download

IEC 60034-15:1995 pdf free download

IEC 60034-15:1995 pdf free download
IEC 60034-15:1995 pdf free download.Rotating electrical machines
5.1.1 General
These tests are carried out as an indirect proof as explained in A.3.2 of annex A. The test coils shall be fully processed, including corona protection, if provided, and shall be either embedded in slots or fitted with the slot portion wrapped in earthed conducting tape or foil. The number of sample coils shall be two, unless agreed otherwise between the manu- facturer and the purchaser. The impulse test of the interturn insulation shall be carried out by applying a voltage between the two terminals of the sample coils. The interturn test voltage shall be generated by the damped oscillatory discharge of a capacitor. The number of capacitor discharges shall be five, unless agreed otherwise between the manufacturer and the purchaser. The front time of the first voltage peak shall be 0,2 μs with a tolerance of + 0,3 μs/- 0,1 μs. The voltage peak between the terminals of the sample coil shall have the values given in table 1, column 3, as appropriate, or the values obtained by application of the formula in note 4 of table 1 and rounded off to the nearest whole number. The impulse test of the main insulation shall be carried out by applying a voltage between the coil terminals and earth. The main insulation test voltage shall be generated by an impulse generator applying an impulse voltage with a front time of 1,2 μS as specified in IEC 60-1. The number of impulses shall be five, unless otherwise agreed between the manufacturer and the purchaser. The voltage peaks between the coil terminals and earth shall be 100 % of the values given in table 1, column 2, or 100 % of the values obtained by application of the formula U。=4 UN + 5 kV (see clause 4) and rounded off to the nearest whole number.
5.2 Routine tests
Routine tests shall be carried out for all coils after insertion in the stator core, but before the connections have been made.
Due to the various technologies involved (e.g. resin-rich insulation, vacuum-pressure insulation), no general requirements can be specified for the test values.
NOTE – The manufacturer is responsible for using values sufficient to make it certain that the coils are free from defects after he inserts them in the stator core and before the connections have been made.

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